Arts Nova Scotia News
There's always something going on! Don't forget to check us out on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for more news and events.
Report: Building Back Better - A Vision for Culture Sector Recovery in Nova Scotia
In early 2021 the Arts Nova Scotia Board and the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council hosted 10 virtual sessions, individual one-on-one consultations, and an email survey, and heard from more than 200 stakeholders about their concerns, recommendations, and visions for our sector as the province begins to plan its post-COVID-19 recovery strategies.
Call for Proposals
Artistic and Event Management Team for Creative Nova Scotia Awards Gala (November 2021)
Deadline: June 30, 2021
Arts Nova Scotia and the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council are seeking proposals from an Artistic and Event Producer to coordinate the production of the 2021 Creative NS Gala programming and event delivery. The final concept and content of the event (including artists/performers) will be determined by the Artistic/Management Team in consultation with Arts Nova Scotia.
Online Q&A: Emergency Support for Arts and Culture Organizations
Has your organization received an Arts NS Organizations & Small Groups project grant in the past three years? You may be eligible for the Emergency Support for Arts and Culture Organizations Program. Applications are due December 7th.
Click here for program guidelines.
Q&A Info
Virtual Zoom information session about the Emergency Support for Arts and Culture Organizations Program
New Award Announced: Black Artist Recognition Award
Arts Nova Scotia and the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council are pleased to make a special announcement of a new award! Next year the Creative Nova Scotia Awards will include the Black Artist Recognition Award. We recognize this award is long overdue and it is time that this vibrant and essential part of our cultural community is properly acknowledged for its immense value and impact. The establishment of this prize is a positive step for the future and we look forward to nominations in the coming years.
Artists Honoured at Creative Nova Scotia Awards Gala
Nova Scotia artists demonstrate inspiration, creativity, and innovation. To recognize those talents they were honoured on Nov. 14, at the Creative Nova Scotia Awards Gala in Halifax which celebrates excellence in artistic achievement.
"Our province is home to a unique past filled with generations of rich history and stories, often told by talented artists," said Communities, Culture and Heritage Minister Suzanne Lohnes-Croft. "Congratulations to this year's award recipients who inspire the next generation of artists to showcase their extraordinary work to the world."
2020 Artist Recognition Award Winners Announced
Arts Nova Scotia and the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council will celebrate Darcie Bernhardt, Andrea Tsang Jackson, Taylor Olson, Shauntay Grant, Juanita Peters and Marjorie Simmins as part of the 15th Creative Nova Scotia Awards Gala, to be held virtually through on Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 7 PM AST.
Created by artistic directors HEIST, the vision for this year's gala is GENERATIONS.
Provincial News Release: Financial Support for Arts and Culture Sector
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on arts and culture organizations across Nova Scotia. That is why the province is providing $2.1 million to help meet their immediate needs.
“Arts and culture organizations and the artists and creators within them help to tell the story of who we are as Nova Scotians,” said Communities, Culture and Heritage Minister Suzanne Lohnes-Croft. “The sector is an important economic and social contributor to communities across the province. This immediate support will help organizations adapt and maintain operations.”
Ryan Doucette Wins Prix Grand-Pré
Arts Nova Scotia and the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council will celebrate RYAN DOUCETTE as part of the 15th Creative Nova Scotia Awards Gala, to be held virtually through on Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 7 PM AST.
RYAN DOUCETTE will receive the 2020 Prix Grand Pré and will receive $5,000.
Created by artistic directors HEIST, the vision for this year's gala is GENERATIONS.
Highland Arts Theatre Wins Creative Community Impact Award
Arts Nova Scotia and the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council will celebrate the HIGHLAND ARTS THEATRE as part of the 15th Creative Nova Scotia Awards Gala, to be held virtually through on Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 7 PM AST.
The HIGHLAND ARTS THEATRE will receive the 2020 Creative Community Impact Award and will receive $10,000.
Created by artistic directors HEIST, the vision for this year's gala is GENERATIONS.
Virtual Drop-In Office Hours
Have any questions about the October 15th Grants to Organizations & Small Groups Deadline?
Drop-in for Virtual Office Hours with Program Officer Lauren Williams on Wednesday, October 7th and Wednesday, October 14th between noon and 1PM.
The Zoom link will be made available on the Facebook Event page shortly before the office hours begin.
COVID-Response Project Grants for Organizations
Arts NS has added a new COVID-Response grant category for the October 15th Grants to Organizations & Small Groups deadline in order to support professional arts groups and organizations to continue to work and participate in the arts community in the context of COVID-19.