The new eligibility requirements described here were created through conversations with a committee of Mi’kmaq artists from across the province. These conversations highlighted the need for a stronger eligibility process that ensures this program funding goes where it belongs – to Mi’kmaq. Wider conversations around Indigenous identity and new identification processes also informed us - in particular, the Indigenous Screen Office’s Indigenous Identity Policy and the ISO, APTN, and Archipel report “Building Trust and Accountability: Report on Eligibility in the Indigenous Screen Sector.”

Have questions? Contact:

David Goudie - Program Officer

(902) 497-8538

Who can apply?

Nova Scotia-based Mi’kmaq artists, groups (including ad-hoc groups) or organizations are eligible to apply. This includes Mi’kmaq from other provinces who reside in Nova Scotia.

To apply for funding under the Mi’kmaq Arts Program, applicants must know and be able to articulate their Mi’kmaw identity and their connection to one of the 13 Mi’kmaq bands in Nova Scotia or a Mi’kmaq band from another province.

For the purposes of this funding program, distant or recently discovered ancestry does not in itself make someone eligible. Arts Nova Scotia recognizes that many Indigenous people have been disconnected from their communities and culture as a result of colonization. While the process of reconnection is important, this funding program is not intended to be a tool for that process. If an applicant is uncertain of their Mi’kmaw identity or their connection to community, they are encouraged to seek out and establish that connection before approaching this program.

What is required to apply?

To be eligible for this program you must complete the Mi’kmaq Arts Program identification form. The form consists of two parts: Applicant information and the Reference section.

The Applicant Information section is where you can describe your identity as Mi’kmaw and your connection to your affiliated band. If you have a band membership card, please do not provide your membership information, the name of your band will suffice. We also recognize that there are Mi’kmaq who are unable to obtain a band membership card due to historical colonial practices. For this reason, a band membership card is not needed for eligibility. However, all applicants must be able to name the band with which they are affiliated.

The Reference section of the form is where you provide some general information about the reference you are including. Your reference will then need to sign below a standard statement which verifies your connection to your stated band. A list of acceptable references is below:.
•    Chief or band council member
•    Band membership clerk or CMM

Once the form has been filled out you can submit it along with the rest of your application documents. It will then be reviewed by a committee of Mi'kmaq artists.


How do I complete the identification form?

The form can be downloaded from the top of this page. It can be downloaded in Microsoft Word or PDF format. You can fill it out digitally or print it and fill it out by hand and send a scanned copy or a picture of the form. The reference signature can be handwritten or digital.

Will I have to complete this process every time I apply?

No. Once you have completed the form and your eligibility has been established, you will not need to complete this process again.

I have applied to the Mi'kmaq Arts program before this new process was created. Do I need to complete this process now?

Yes. We require all applicants to complete this process in order to be eligible for the program. However, once the process is complete, you will not need to do it again.