
2022-2023 Annual Report Now Online

The Spring of 2022 saw an Arts and Culture sector still wrestling with pandemic uncertainty and recovery. Attendance at performances and gatherings was erratic and unpredictable. Covid was still intervening in our programming. And yet there has been significant progress for many in the sector over the year as the most damaging of the pandemics daily impacts waned and artists in the province organized advocacy campaigns around increased support from municipal and provincial governments.

Finish reading the message from our board chair Ken Schwartz in our recently published 2022-2023 Annual Report.

New Board Appointments

On behalf of the Arts Nova Scotia Board of Directors, I am pleased to announce two (2) recent appointments to the Board.

In November 2022, Trevor Gould was appointed to a three (3) year term to the Board. Trevor is from the Paqtnkek Mi’kmaq Nation. For over 30 years, he has been traditional singer and dancer as well as a theatre playwright/performer. More recently, Trevor’s artistic practice has expanded to include filmmaking. He created/directed the award-winning short film, Apajasimik

In June 2023, Laura Teasdale was appointed to a three (3) year term to the Board. Laura returned to Antigonish in 2018 after 27 years in Quebec. She is an accomplished actor, musician, cartoon voice, playwright, director and clown.  She acted in the very first season of Festival Antigonish, studied at Acadia, then Concordia in Montreal.

I would also like to acknowledge the service of François Gaudet, who served six (6) years and Daren Okafo who served three (3) years. Both members finished terms in March 2023. We are incredibly grateful for their contributions.

Ken Schwartz, Chair

About Us

Arts Nova Scotia is the provincial funding agency that provides support to professional artists and arts organizations, arts education programs and a number of arts awards and prizes.

Governed by a board of directors, Arts Nova Scotia is an arm’s length agency of the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage created by legislation in 2011. 

The Board plays an instrumental role in determining Arts Nova Scotia’s strategic priorities, policies and programming. It provides advice and makes recommendations to the Minister of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage on matters important to Nova Scotia’s professional arts sector.

If you are interested in applying or would like further information, please email


Artwork credit: Christopher Webb, In Finem Mundi/World Without End, 2021, 91.5 cm diameter